Episode 2 – Overcoming Fear, Practicing Self-Care, and Managing Burnout with Dr. John MacDonald

August 5th, 2020

Today’s episode features Dr. John MacDonald, a psychologist with over 40 years’ experience treating depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. John has extensive professional experience in both the public and private health sectors, and was pivotal in establishing a cognitive rehabilitation program at GF Strong Hospital for individuals suffering from cognitive challenges as a result of traumatic brain injuries.

We covered many topics in our discussion today, some of which I plan on applying to my everyday life. We touched on topics related to how John’s personal experiences have influenced his work as a psychologist, and his own self-care strategies foster work/life balance. In addition, we talked about:

  • Sleep hygiene, and strategies to foster a good night’s sleep
  • Post-traumatic stress experiences, and how to overcome fears on a gradual basis
  • Cognitive rehabilitation approaches for individuals with brain injuries
  • The “two-second strategy” for communicating with others
  • Ways to manage clinician burnout and care-giver stress

Click below to listen to the podcast: